Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To Be Continued...

Just came back from yet another court appearance... Once again, there is a continuance. The prosecution was not ready - their report was not submitted, the doctor did not show up, no one knows anything. Total embarrassment. No, wait - it would be for "regular Joe," but not for the government. The prosecution - the DA's office- has a way to appear as if nothing is their fault. The report is not ready - not their fault. The doctor was not contacted - not their fault. They do not know what is going on - not their fault....
I noticed the same attitude lately among our glorious educators: whenever something happens at school, in the classrooms or out on the playground - bullying, fighting, injuries - it's not their fault! They have so many excuses: there is not enough funding, the class sizes are too big, they have so many children to look after, they can't "waste their time" on an individual.... Plenty of those teachers are frustrated and angry, some feel that they cannot do their job effectively... On the other side, there are parents - they are frustrated too, and they cannot do their job - parenting - effectively either, but they do not have as many excuses. How do you say - I have too many children, I just cannot handle them all? Hahaha.... (hysterical laughter)....
Yet, the teachers and the parents in their inefficiency have one common problem - the system that no longer works. The system sets up rules and procedures for teachers, tells them how to be effective teachers and what rules they absolutely have to follow. Then, when those rules do not work and the teacher starts searching for answers - the system representatives say - but it's your classroom, you cannot follow these rules blindly....
The same happens with the parents. The system tells the parents how to effectively teach a child, talk to a child, raise a child. The system tells the parents that they can't use "derogatory names" when talking to a child; they cannot strike or even spank a child; they cannot yell at a child... Yelling, spanking and striking is bad; if the parents are bad, the system will seek Children's Services after them - bad parents! No cookies! In the spirit of "promoted cultural diversity" no one is allowed to speak up an honest opinion about someone else, but "culturally diverse" - another words - different - kind of parenting gets investigated.... "Misunderstandings" have to be cleared up.... If you question a doctor of your child about the side effects of the medication - there is a "concern" that you are not looking out for the best interest of the child. (I know it makes no sense, but that is exactly how I was treated at MISC every time I was questioning a doctor - they never said anything out right, of course, just the implications, " You have to act in the best interest, " "Put his needs above yours," etc... Then the side effects backfire - and the MISC with the doctor take a different position: "We are just recommending the medication; it is up to you to sign the form and officially agree to it." Iron Clad alibi for the system! If it works - we made you do it! If it does not - it's your decision, parent!
Did anyone notice that the parent can be "reported" to the CPS by the system - school, teachers, any "mandated reporter" - just on suspicion of wrongdoing - but nothing can be done if the child is being abused or mistreated at school? Another words - the system can report you, but you cannot report the system... Hypocrites!
So - the educational system is ineffective, the parenting is getting smothered with advice and guidance; the legal system is slow and ineffective... Finally, I had a chance to observe - from a distance, of course - how "the system" treats our children that happen to get in it. My stepson has been in custody of Juvenile court; his tooth was hurting, and the PO promised that he was going to be taken to the dentist. Three months later it has not been done; my stepson's gum and jaw got swollen; there was an infection. I called the PO - she was on vacation.... It took me about a week to get a hold of someone who could do what needed to be done, and it took us getting a hold of the Juvenile Court director (I think that is his title) to get this issue resolved. Now I want to ask you: if my stepson was in his parents' care and came to school unable to talk, complaining of toothache - what do you think would happen? I tell you - we'd have CPS at our door the same day, accusing us of negligence, child neglect and endangerment, and we would have to rush him to the hospital - that is, if they did not try to remove him from "unhealthy and dangerous environment" - his family. But when the system is taking care of things - it can take months, and the most frustrating part is - unlike with family, with parents, no one is directly responsible for anything. The parents cannot report the system - or its representatives - to CPS or law enforcement for neglecting their child's medical needs. Ah, the comfort of double standard...
I am starting to think that something needs to be changed. The double standard does not help - not the people, not the parents, not the teachers. Definitely not children. I think this system has a flaw in it, and it needs to be changed. But how? Any ideas?
Waiting for your response...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katya,

    Sorry, I have no suggestions, especially not as far as the broken school system.
    That's why I retired early...

    Since you have given plenty of examples, I won't start giving my own tome of examples.

    Hope next week is better for you and your family.

    In the Light,


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